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Whatever is covered up will be uncovered and every secret will be made known.
Luke 12:2
everything is true...
--Conspiracy of the Moment 6/7--
CEOs of 91 companies signed a letter to President Clinton, Senate Majority Leader Dole, House Speaker Gingrich and all members of Congress last December, calling on the President and Congress to balance the budget. Consumer advocate Ralph Nader responded by sending letters to all of the signatories of the CEOs' letter, asking them to identify federal subsidies and tax breaks that benefit their corporations and to select the subsidies and tax expenditures that the CEOs would agree to begin to forego
immediately in order to help balance the budget. More than five months later and after Ralph Nader's Corporate Welfare Project contacted a second time the signatories to the balanced budget letter, none of the 91 CEOs have identified even one federal subsidy or tax break that their companies would give up to help balance the budget.
from The Corporate Welfare List
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New - Caught in the Net 6/12
"Here in the United States, the nineties promise to be a time of pent-up consumer and citizen frustration, which if joined to a new, modernized assortment of political tools, could fuel a new political movement for real democracy."
Ralph Nader - Mother Jones 1990
from MOJO Wire The Race for the White House
Ralph Nader is running as candidate for the Green Parties of North America
The Ohio effort to put the Green Party on the ballot is at The Green Party of Ohio
The Rapture Index The Study of Bible Prophecy, The Rapture of the Church, and Current Events
NetPolitics - Latest News on Pathfinder about CDA
Sources eJournal - Information-Disinformation-Intelligence
Apocalypse Now The purpose of A-N is to track rising curves and synchronistic occurrences.
DeepTimes News Service Angel of Death - Inslaw Case
Nexus Magazine Behind the News-Health-Big Brother-UFOs-Unexplained-Future Science
Government Research into ESP and Mind Control exposing over forty years of U.S. government research into Extra Sensory Perception and the psychological 'technology' of individual mind control using drugs, hypnosis and abuse.
Political Corrections "The National Security State uses fascism to protect capitalism while they say they're protecting democracy from communism." Michael Parenti
Liberty=Freedom=Sovereign<>Conspiracy=Treason=Slavery One World Government, Militia, Patriot, AIDS, Sovereignty, Right To Keep And Bear Arms, Spirit, Awareness, Liberty, Congress, News, Rights, Solutions & more.
50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time - read excerpts from the book
One way to trace the formation of the computer network is to begin in 1964, when a cold war think tank called the Rand Corporation was asked to come up with a way for the United States to maintain defense communications in the event of a nuclear war...Like a grassroots counterculture, the defense industry's ARPANET was created by the mid-seventies to allow different people in seperate locations to communicate with each other and even operate defense systems after a devastating nuclear attack.
p.236 Media Virus - Douglas Rushkoff
DejaNews - the tool for searching Usenet
recent articles from alt.conspiracy from InfoSeek
This was recognized long ago, at the time when the Founding Fathers were expounding the doctrine of the natural rights granted by the Creator to every person while they were bitterly deploring their own "enslavement" by the British tax collectors - "enslavement" is the term they commonly used. Samuel Johnson commented at the time, "Why is it that we hear the loudest yelps for freedom from the drivers of Negroes ?" And Thomas Jefferson, a slave owner himself, added that "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice will not sleep forever."
p.336 The Chomsky Reader - Noam Chomsky
The Secret History of the United States 1962-1995 - my other site - covert and overt operations by timeline
Genocide also known as Federal Indian Policy
New Paradigms Project A-albionic Research: A Private Network of Researchers Dedicated to Identifying the Nature of the Ruling Class/Conspiracy(ies)
Gonzo Links - conspiracy links
Germ Warfare The Hall of Shame
DiNardo Conspiracy - conspiracy files
WWW Virtual Library - Sumeria/Politics
Church of Euthenasia - suicide+abortion+cannabalism+sodomy granted tax exempt status by the IRS!
the Church of the Subgenius - home of slack
Justin's Links to the
For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.
Proverbs 4:17
In early fall 1966, Roselli confided to his attorney, Robert Morgan, that the three-man CIA assassination team of "Trafficante mob" recruits dispatched to Cuba to kill Castro in September 1962 had come under Cuban influence or control and returned to the United States to kill President Kennedy.
p.239 Wedge - Mark Riebling
For instance, on November 23 [1963], according to Bureau documents, the FBI briefed a "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence" on matters relating to the assassination [Bush was in Dallas at the time of the assassination].
p.201 Wedge - Mark Riebling
During the days and weeks before the Kennedy killing, Ruby was calling and being called by the top aides to Marcello, Florida mobster Santos Trafficante, and Hoffa - all of whom were known to have discussed plans with their associates to murder either John or Robert Kennedy.
p.234 Dark Victory - Dan E. Moldea
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